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with Best-of-Breed Logistics Execution Technologies for SAP®.

Explore Our Solutions

Streamline and optimize your logistics operations with our innovative user-centered solutions.

Our value-driven technologies empower SAP users to leverage their SAP investment, achieve ROI and optimize the efficiency of their logistics processes.


Navigate the New Dimension in Carton Space Optimization

Our advanced cartonization algorithm optimizes the placement of items within cartons and containers reducing material, freight and labor costs.

Learn More About CSO

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XPS provides users with the ability to route, pack, ship and manifest deliveries all from within your existing SAP landscape.

Learn More About XPS

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Take advantage of XPS without logging into SAP. pXPS is accessible from any browser enterprise-wide and is available to all employees, not just SAP users.

Learn More About pXPS

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Thinking Inside the Box:

An Intelligent Look at Cartonization

Download White Paper

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Access timely resources on logistics execution.

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Discover how SCT drives SAP supply chain efficiency and cost savings.

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February 7, 2024

Visit SCT Software at SAP Innovation Days for Supply Chain at Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa on March 12-14, 2024

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March 15, 2019

Visit SCT Software at SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference in Orlando Florida – Booth 1920

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